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La academia española define metamorfosis como 1. f. Transformación de algo en otra cosa. 2. f. Mudanza que hace alguien o algo de un estado a otro, como de la avaricia a la liberalidad o de la pobreza ala riqueza. 3. f. Zool. Cambio que experimentan muchos animales durante su desarrollo, y que se manifiesta no solo en lavariación de forma, sino también en las funciones y en el género de vida.*Cuando miro para atrás, no reconozco esa vida. Te hablo de 10 años atrás.*Recuerdo estar en altos niveles de melancolia, la ultima vez que

Hi! I've been working and living in the forest for the last few months. Every two weeks or so I've to drive to the city to get supplies and reconnect with humans. There's no time to share the abundance of experiences I've had but some that stick out are the wildlife. From watching a moose at 6 am of morning driving to work, to bear encounters from far to very close distance (that one was scary).   I'm in the last few weeks of work before the season is over, I'll be packing up the cabin and taking

CANADIAN "For the ones that followed the same path, FOR THE ONES THAT NEVER HAD THE CHANCE" YOU'RE IN MY MIND. I've always hated the word "successful", maybe because it is linked to a higher level of achievement above others, not the greatest word in modern society. I see my achievements as a humble step to doing what I like, what I chose and what I love. Looking back I haven't given myself enough credit for how far I came probably because the ego is the last thing I want to feel when referring to essential steps

MY THOUGHTS ON PAPER  "Photographs are not to remember the special event but capture your essence in the period of time"   I want to be able to share things through my writing. I want to talk about important topics without being too heavy. Dipping into photojournalism is a step I'm excited to take. I want to reach the everyday person that is not an intellectual or is used to read National Geographic or the New Yorker in their free time. I think there is a way to show eloquence and in writing without boring your audience. If yes

ANGKOR WAT * CITY TEMPLE Siem Reap, Cambodia    As a person that comes from a country with an extended culture and history like Bolivia, one of my longest dream was to go to Cambodia to explore and learn about their tradition and history. After doing solo trips and crossing continents around the globe, for my 30th Bday I jumped on a plane to South East Asia. Was the most rewarding and fulfilling spiritual trip that I’ve ever had. Well, Machu Pichu and hiking in the jungle of Bolivia have a special space in my heart. In Asia, I experienced

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