La academia española define metamorfosis como 1. f. Transformación de algo en otra cosa. 2. f. Mudanza que hace alguien o algo de un estado a otro, como de la avaricia a la liberalidad o de la pobreza ala riqueza.
Deep in the Forest
Hi! I've been working and living in the forest for the last few months. Every two weeks or so I've to drive to the city to get supplies and reconnect with humans. There's no time to share the abundance of experiences
The unknown
CANADIAN "For the ones that followed the same path, FOR THE ONES THAT NEVER HAD THE CHANCE" YOU'RE IN MY MIND. I've always hated the word "successful", maybe because it is linked to a higher level of achievement above others, not the
About Writing
MY THOUGHTS ON PAPER "Photographs are not to remember the special event but capture your essence in the period of time" I want to be able to share things through my writing. I want to talk about important topics without being too
Exploring Cambodia
ANGKOR WAT * CITY TEMPLE Siem Reap, Cambodia As a person that comes from a country with an extended culture and history like Bolivia, one of my longest dream was to go to Cambodia to explore and learn about their tradition and